Woodilee Residents Association

Manager Role

The Woodilee Residents Association recently ran an EGM to seek a formal mandate from the proprietors within the development to choose a replacement factor/ manager

As a result of this quorate vote, the WRA Committee are now running a process to identify and select a suitable alternative manager for the development.

Respondents were very keen to ensure an open, transparent and equitable process to select the manager was followed, and to meet this requirement but prevent creation of lots of detailed answers (that need read as well as written!), the Association intends to use a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) to select a shortlist (propose to be 3-5 potential managers) that will then receive a more detailed questionnaire.

The PQQ takes the form of a spreadsheet, has a scoring grid, instructions and a set of questions.  Interested managers simply need to download the spreadsheet and complete column H of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire sheet.  The committee have tried to keep this short enough to be able to be completed quickly, but long enough to get some discrimination between potential bidders.

The proposed timetable for this exercise is laid out below. This is intended as a guide only and the Association reserves the right to amend at any time.

Target Date Activity
29/10/2021 PQQ Issue date
12/11/2021 PQQ Return date
26/11/2021 Evaluation of PQQs completed
03/12/2021 Invitation to Tender issued to Qualified Applicants
20/12/2021 Tender Return Date
14/01/2022 Evaluation of tenders completed
28/01/2022 Contract Award
01/05/2022 Service Commencement

We will accept submissions until 23:59 on 12th November 2021 and any organisations suitably registered under the Property Factor (Scotland) Act 2011 are welcome to submit a questionnaire.
