Extraordinary General Meeting EGM2021-10 took place on 20th October 2021 via Zoom.
Minutes and presentation content from this meeting can be found below:
The motion for the meeting was “Members of the association grant the Woodilee Residents Association the authority to decide who factors Woodilee Village estate”.
In order to ensure due process and compliance with the Deed of Conditions, the committee took responsibility for printing a Proxy Voting form that was distributed, by Committee members, to all properties in Woodilee Village as follows, ensuring at least 7 days notice of the meeting as per deed of conditions. Details of the member responsible for each area and the dates of posting are contained within the minutes along with the data capture process.
A total of 254 responses were received (29.5% of properties), exceeding the quorum level of 20% and of these responses 252 votes were cast. 2 owners did not express a preference, did sign up to attend the meeting, were invited, but did not attend/vote.
Of the 252 votes cast, 244 (96.8%) voted to grant the WRA the authority to decide who factors Woodilee village with 8 votes (3.2%) against. The motion therefore carries.