New Factor Update

Woodilee Residents Association

An update on our appointment of a new factor:

As per our plan on 28th Jan we appointed Newton Property Management as our new factor from start of May and informed RMG that we wish to terminate their role at Woodilee finishing up end April.

RMG have now been in contact through an external legal firm who are reviewing the voting process run in October that provided the RA a mandate to progress these changes.

We are very confident we have done everything in alignment with deed of servitude and conditions.

A comprehensive summary of the process is recorded in the EGM minutes:

Following the vote a tender process (including PQQ and ITT stages) was run with details found on our website:

It is also worth noting that all mechanisms used to run the vote were reviewed and validated previously by RMG when they were used to return the RA with new role holders (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) at an AGM that RMG attended in 2020.  These are now being questioned for the EGM, but RMG advised and implemented many of these for the previous AGM.

We feel it’s important residents are aware of this.  Meantime our new factor continues to work towards the transition.