Woodilee Residents Association

MUGA Usage Update

In a recent post the WRA flagged the increased demand from both commercial and non-commercial organisations for access to the MUGA to run group activities. Given the number of requests and potential for issues, the WRA have created a set of usage “do’s and dont’s” and a process for seeking permission to use for group activities. The aim was to implement some light touch co-ordination with restrictions on how and how often the MUGA can be used for group activities. As these activities are often used by residents the WRA took a decision to allow them.  You can view the operating guide here and “do’s and don’ts” here.  As always feedback from residents appreciated.

Further, we had a request from a local artist (Jackie Donachie) from Lenzie for use of the MUGA for one day as a location for a short film as part of an art project. It would be 7am-4pm, likely on Tuesday 27th April with contingency dates of Wednesday 28th April or Tuesday 4th May in event of bad weather. It will require full use of the MUGA for the duration.  As this is a community based project and thought it might be quite exciting for the estate the WRA took the decision to provide permission. We’ll post further updates on this in advance.