RMG Annual Maintenance Charge notice

Customers registered on the RMG Living and receiving paperless correspondence, will have received notification that the annual maintenance charge for Woodilee Village Estate 2018/2019 is now due. Customers who receive hard copy correspondence will receive their request for payment by post shortly.

As RMG have experienced delays in preparing and issuing this year’s budget which was due 1st May, this recent charge is showing as due for payment now. RMG would urge all Owners to make payment of their share of the annual maintenance cost as charged, at the earliest opportunity, to ensure they continue to hold sufficient funding for the estate. Please do however note that RMG will allow a standard period 30 days for customers to make payment. To clarify, the charges due for payment for the year 01/05/18 – 30/04/19 are £191.67 in total. This is the amount you should pay for this year. If you have an outstanding balance on your account from previous years, RMG will write to shortly about the recovery of these unpaid charges.

You may find it helpful to spread the cost of the annual maintenance charge over 9 monthly payments by direct debit. You can contact RMG Customer Service Centre on 0345 002 4499 if you would like to arrange to pay your account by direct debit or click on the MAKE A PAYMENT link within your account on RMG Living. This will allow you to pay by debit or credit card, or set up a direct debit payment arrangement online. On your RMG Living statement of account, you will currently see some additional, recent itemised entries. Please note that from now on, you will see individual items of expenditure detailed on your account as these are processed by RMG Scotland. This will provide you with greater visibility of costs as they are incurred by the Woodilee Village maintenance fund and your individual share of these. Please note that you are only requested to pay your share of the maintenance charge and sinking fund which has been invoiced to you, and not the itemised items that will show on the account with NO DUE DATE.