Lenzie Community Council

Community Council Boundaries & Woodilee

Woodilee Residents Association and Lenzie Community Council have been in discussions regarding the Community Council boundaries that apply to Woodilee. It is apparent the current Community Council boundaries are around 20 years old and bear no relation to the layout of housing in Woodilee, with houses falling under Kirkintilloch Community Council or Waterside Community Council boundaries and currently none under Lenzie Community Council. The Community Council boundaries serve to define the area for which each Community Council takes responsibility, and do not determine ward or school catchment. The clear definition of Community Council boundaries offers residents the opportunity to become members of, and participate in, an identified Community Council for that area. Community Councils represent the residents to the local council on a range of issues, including the statutory right to be consulted on applications for planning permission and in communicating the aims and concerns of the community they serve.

If you’d like to find out more about what a Community Council does, please follow this link : www.communitycouncils.scot/what-is-a-community-council.html

To find out more about what the Lenzie Community Council in particular do, please follow this link : lenziecommunitycouncil.org.uk/home/about/what-we-do/

Woodilee Residents Association are keen to see the estate boundaries re-aligned with a single, active Community Council to ensure the entire Woodilee community is properly represented within East Dunbartonshire Council. Aligning with Lenzie Community Council will allow for clearer and more effective communication between the represented parties.

Lenzie Community Council is a very active group giving due consideration to planning concerns and local environmental issues. Every year the Lenzie CC runs the Lenzie Gala Day, the New Year Jog and the Christmas Lights Switch On, all examples of just some of the events Lenzie CC members organise for the benefit of the

Find out more about Lenzie Community Council on their website: www.lenziecommunitycouncil.org.uk

To understand how the residents of Woodilee would like to be represented in the Community Council structure of East Dunbartonshire, the Residents Association and Lenzie Community Council have produced a short survey and posted it to all Woodilee residents (via the factor RMG). This will allow us to determine the views of Woodilee and action accordingly. Please return one survey per household. A majority rule will apply. Please return completed surveys to the ballot boxes located in The Old Gatehouse or the Deaf-Blind Scotland Offices no later than WEDNESDAY 23rd MAY 2018.