AGM – We need your help

The Woodilee Residents Association needs your help :

  • Its AGM time and without support from residents the Association will cease to exist.
  • Without a Residents Association we collectively have no formal powers to hold RMG (the
    developer appointed factors) to account.
  • Without a Residents Association RMG alone will determine where spend is prioritised and how it
    is recovered, meaning no cap on annual fees residents are charged.
  • The Residents Association successfully fought against a 5% increase to RMG’s annual management
  • Several residents have put themselves forward to take over key roles within the committee, with
    all new Office Bearers for Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. We all share your frustration with RMG,
    and the target is to completely reset the relationship with them.
  • Without a Residents Association we cannot enter discussions to replace RMG with another
    factoring company on terms defined by the residents rather than the developers.

What we need you to do :

  • For RMG to continue to recognise the Residents Association we need support from a subset (20%)
    of the residents (173 in total) either attending the AGM or returning proxy votes.
  • The AGM is rescheduled for November 17th. In advance of the meeting RMG will issue
    communication to advise of the rescheduled date and to seek proxy votes. This is your
    opportunity to support the Association – your vote matters!
  • All you need to do (nothing more) is complete the proxy vote form and return it to

Download and complete a Proxy Form :

You can download the form (it’s a PDF) : 

Form : 2020 Proxy Form_Nov

You can simply : 

  1. print the form
  2. fill it in, remembering to sign it
  3. take a photo of the completed form and email to

Alternatively, email us and we’ll bring a proxy form to your door for you to complete (social distancing in place) : email with your name and address and we’ll come round one evening.