
Committee Meeting CM2021-03 took place on 25th March 2021 via Microsoft Teams.

Content from this meeting can be found below:

The next meeting was scheduled for 13th April at 7pm.

Committee Meeting CM2021-02 took place on 16th February 2021 via Microsoft Teams.

Content from this meeting can be found below:

The next meeting was provisionally scheduled for 16th March at 7pm but following the meeting with RMG in February, this was postponed to 25th March to allow a budget review to be undertaken at meeting CM2021-03.

On 23rd Feb 2021, the Residents Association met with RMG to discuss the management of the estate following a “performance review” undertaken by the new committee installed in November 2020.

The Agenda used is shown below and the minutes are linked below.

An outcome of this was that the next committee meeting, scheduled for 16th March 2021, would now be moved to 25th March 2021 to act as a budget meeting with Melissa (RMG) in attendance.


RMG: Justin Herbert, Lisa Pieper and Melissa Syme
WRA: Ewan Miller, Paul Ellison, Gordon Jahn, Neil Logue
  1. Intros and statement from RA Chair
  2. RA Performance Review Recommendations
  3. Root One renewal
  4. Next Steps
  5. AOCB
  6. Close

The minutes can be found here: Review Meeting Final Minutes – 2021-02-23

The Annual General Meeting for 2020 took place on 17th November 2020 via Zoom.

Content from this meeting can be found below:

Committee Meeting CM2021-01 took place on 19th January 2021 via Microsoft Teams.

Content from this meeting can be found below:

The next meeting is scheduled for 16th Feb at 7pm.

Committee Meeting CM2020-12b took place on 15th December 2020 via Microsoft Teams.

Content from this meeting can be found below:

Committee Meeting CM2020-12 took place on 1st December 2020 via Microsoft Teams.

Content from this meeting can be found below:

Following on from the January Residents Association committee meeting, draft minutes and report from RMG are now available to download at the links below.

Following on from the Annual General Meeting held on the 25th September 2018 at Kirkintilloch High School, the following information is now available in a single PDF :

  • Minutes from the meeting
  • Report from the Chair
  • Report from the Treasurer
  • Report from Gordon Howie (RMG)
  • (Draft) Constitution of the Woodilee Residents Association

Click on the file below to download.

2018 AGM_Minutes (Final)

The Woodilee Resident Association committee met on June 26th at Lenzie Golf Club.  The minutes from that meeting can be found at the link below.

 2018-06-26 Committee Meeting Minutes (Final)